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This article evaluates how the need to distribute emergency funds widely and quickly may spur the creation of a new, publicly run payment system. The author highlights recent legislative initiatives like one in New York that would provide residents with a digital wallet and discusses the implications of central bank account provisioning by the Federal Reserve.
A variety of technology companies have adapted software and platforms to support emergency small business lending. This article explores the various ways in which fintechs have helped banks implement the Paycheck Protection Program, including allow banks to automate application review and underwriting, collecting and verifying documents, and transmitting information to the Small Business Administration.​
This research brief surveys how banks are prioritizing pandemic-related needs and being responsive to evolving community conditions in light of their Community Reinvestment Act obligations. Based on a survey of community development officers, institutions are starting to shift beyond meeting short-term needs and leveraging existing projects to develop ideas for new and innovative programs on small-dollar lending, small business technical assistance, and other topics.
This IMF blog post from the IMF considers one pathway for protecting the global banking system amid the pandemic. Pointing to the experience of the 2008 crisis and recovery, the authors recommend requiring transparent loss reporting, relying on capital and liquidity buffers to support continued lending, and encouraging loan modification.